Comments on: “A foreigner here and a foreigner in my home country too” Where Europe Gets Together Tue, 14 Jun 2016 20:37:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hilary Siebert Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:02:40 +0000 In reply to Alexander.

Really nice article. A lot of people are caught in the middle between two identities because of political and cultural conflicts in the world. People in Ibrahim´s situation really don´t ask for much, they only want to be treated fairly, and the countries they live in act like they are doing them a big favor by treating them like human beings. A small amount of empathy can accomplish a lot.

By: Lucy Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:09:24 +0000 Well I’m quite sure if Ibrahim had a choice he would stay in his homeland. But Afganistan is in war for so long time, most of the young people have no chance to get educatian and if they get that chance there are just rare opportinities for finiding jobs. People are being killed every day. By choosing to stay you are actually choosing to die or to live in poverty for the rest of your life.

He is already hero because he choosed to make the best of his life despite of all dificulties he is facing with.

By: Alexander Sat, 07 Sep 2013 19:40:09 +0000 Well guess what, in my country we had so many wars (Hellas, or Greece as many know it). We had to fight for our freedom since ancient times, Persians, Romans, Turks (we lost once from them we won them in the end), Albanians, Skopians, Bulgarians, Venetians, Italian Fascists, German Nazis and then the communists of my country that they created the civil war.

Today we are being treated like rats because they say we owe them money, money that we never saw, they gave it too their politicians and now we owe it.

Do you know why we are still on our feet? Because we never left our country. So do your own kind a favour and stop trying to be in a place you don’t belong, go back to your birth place and make it a place worth living.

Who knows, maybe one day you become a national hero, like my country has thousands of them.
